Sunday, September 28, 2008

Perforated things blow

For some odd reason I can take even the most innocuous situation and make an ass out of myself. I think its part genetics, part awkwardness and a dash of obliviousness.

Take for example Friday. When it was my turn to bring in food to work for the editorial department. Well I completely forgot about it until halfway there, and already 30 minutes late, so I stop off at a local bakery. Even though there was no line they had a little number thing lit up, stating which number would be served next. So I go to the red number thingy and try to grab the next number. But instead of one number coming out, half the roll spits out at me.

I try to be smooth about it and hide the extra numbers. I look around to see if I got away with it and the guy behind me looks at me like I have a third nipple and I’m trying to get him to talk to it or something. And the woman behind the counter rolls her eyes and asks me what I want. Had she done that in the first place I wouldn’t have ruined numbers 91 through 168.

Then tonight at the supermarket I had a small issue with the bags in the produce section. I mean first of you can’t just rip those things off because it sends the whole reel into a spin and it never winds back up correctly. The old lady behind you tends to sigh really loud, a sigh that conveys both annoyance and a “those damn younger people” attitude. And second the freaking bags are welded shut. It takes me about 27 minutes to get one open so that I can buy all of three apples.

This is why I try not to go to the supermarket that often. Actually it might be best if I stay out of public places altogether.


saratogajean said...

I want to believe perforation is for my benefit, but based on my experience, and now yours, I'm sure it's for someone else's amusement. Public restroom toilet paper? Just try to tear that stuff off at the perforation.

Rahul said...

Thats why I just put all the groceries in my pants.

Heff said...

I'm not allowed in public at all. It has its benefits.

Colleen said...

saratogjean - I think its a big joke on us

rs27 - Wait isn't the frozen pizza for one kind of cold down there?

heff - probably a good idea.

LBluca77 said...

I hate those plastic bags too. It is like you have to have some special magical power to open those things up. I usually have a small freak out every time I go to the store.

So@24 said...

This is why I stick to only purchasing Top Ramen.

saratogajean said...

P.S. I've bestowed an award upon you. Stop by my blog to pick it up.

No perforations, guaranteed.