Thursday, September 11, 2008

No pants

The worst part about living in a glorified shoebox is that when someone knocks on your door, and you take five minutes to answer said door, they know its because you walk around your place in your underwear and can't remember where you threw your pants an hour ago, was it in the kitchen or the bathroom?

Thankfully it was just a neighbor, my oh-so-smart self managed to leave my keys in the lock, again. But at least I didn't lock myself out again thats a hefty bill.

And also whats with the awkwardly standing at the door? Ok thanks for letting me know I left my keys in the door, now move along. Oh you wanted to make small talk? Um I can't draw "thanks for letting me know I'm a dumb ass" out more than 30 seconds so say bye and take off. Oh you wanted to stand around a little longer?

What's a good conversation ender? I never know how to get away from someone. I think I should have something prepared for those awkward conversations that are going nowhere but you can't seem to get out of. So that when we're just standing there I can whip out, "Yeah I gotta go, I'm a secret agent and have to go save the world from mutant ninjas right now. Oh shit I shouldn't have told you that, now I have to kill you." But I'm not sure that is believable.


Rahul said...

I've left my keys in my door too.

This is my conversation ender.

You smell.

Then I close the door. Done and done. apparently I'm 8.

Jack and Jill said...

I locked myself out twice this past winter. $100 each time. That sucked.

Also, when I don't lock myself out, I leave my keys in the door. Overall I guess you could say I'm pretty organized and on top of things.

Narm said...

Are these mutant ninjas turtles as well?

And I normally pretend to get a call and give the, "Sorry i need to take this"

LBluca77 said...

That happened to me with my creepy neighbor telling me about my keys. Normally I don't answer anymore when he knocks, even though he can hear my tv and saw me come home.

The best way to get rid of them is to only open your door a crack, then they know no conversation is going to be happening.

Colleen said...

rs27 - See I have the mentality of at least an 11 year-old so I wouldn't do that

jack and jill - Ha I've locked myself out twice this summer, it's so expensive and the dmn locksmith opens it in like 2 seconds.

narm - I do love the ninja turtles mainly because they too are vanilla ice fans.

lbuca77 - Why is there always that creepy neighbor? Next time I'm going to be the creepy neighbor, change things up a bit.

MsFreshBananaPuddin said...

tell them you have to fart.

man Im so glad me and you dont hang out. who knows, we might end up trapped in an elevator for three days or get attacked by a stampede of elephants.