Thursday, July 31, 2008

Sharp objects

Now I’ve been trawling the Internet for years. I love all the hate and snarkiness. One of my favorite comments on forums is about skinny girls and their sharp knees. Bag of antlers is another favorite. I don’t know who came up with it but it’s great, have you seen those scrawny bitches? They really do look like a big skin colored bag was pulled over a plethora of antlers.

I like making fun of people that probably have eating disorders.

And this makes me quite the hypocrite. Because I’m 5’7” and barely over 100 lbs. I’ve always been tiny, but never thought of myself as a bag of antlers.

That is until this last week when proof was given to me, beyond a shadow of a doubt that in fact I am not a human female and instead I truly am a bag of sharp, pointy antlers.

I came to this conclusion because I don’t have any furniture, so I’ve been sleeping on an air mattress (yep I’ve been basically camping in the new place) and every night it deflates at least four times. My coworker, sick of me bitching about it, dragged my lazy ass to the bike shop and made me buy a patch kit. That was last Tuesday.

The mattress is now so covered with black patches it looks like it has the bubonic plague. And I’ve used up all the glue. I think I might have to switch to silvery, magical duct tape, because that fixes everything.

And still every night there has been a new freaking hole. So that means that at night some needle sharp appendage of mine punctures the mattress sending me slowly to the floor.

Every night.

Hence: bag of antlers. But I hear that look is hot so I’m good.


Narm said...

Are you actually one of the Olsen twins? And "Bag of Antlers" sounds like some disgusting sexual position.

Colleen said...

If I was an Olsen twin would I be on an air mattress? No I'd be running around in bad clothes and dark eye make up sleeping on a big mound of swan feather just because I could.

MsFreshBananaPuddin said...

i have sharp knees. they actually come in handy.

be careful you dont roll your skinny ass over in the middle of the night and poke a whole in your air mattress. that could be bad.

Colleen said...

Ms. P - I've already done that and have officially moved to the floor as I wait for my futon to arrive.

Moooooog - So many guys think thats hot, something about the sound of bone on bone is a huge turn on.