Tuesday, November 06, 2007


So the last few days I have had some weird cravings (no I'm not). Usually I crave bacon western cheese burgers, caramellos or soft serve ice creams, it changes from week to week. This week I've been craving avocados and cheddar cheese. I think it's because of the SoCal fires destroying large quantities of this year's crop, and me wondering if there will be any guacamole come Superbowl.

Sure A looked at me a little weird when I walked in with some avocados and a big block of cheese. But it was soo tasty, and I feel all good because I've had two servings of fruits and vegetables today. I am so healthy.


A.Venegas said...

Cheese is healthy!? Oh man, I'm going to go eat three whole blocks of them right now!

MsFreshBananaPuddin said...

cheese and avocados! Are you trying to become obese like the rest of America? If you want healthy stick to tofu, beans and wheatgrass…um or whatever…

Quattro Chris said...

In the words of a wise gmail away message. "Noooo... Not the avocados!"