Thursday, May 11, 2006

Sunny SB

Ok Santa Barbara is supposed to be this wonderful vacation town, and I have to admit that its pretty great, but it definatly has its draw backs. Like June, supposed to be one of the brightest months of the year, is one of the worst in SB, its known as June gloom and its cold and damp, totally sucks. And then over the last few years is been gloomy and damp in May too, and that's just not fair. I'm ok with June but May too? At least its supposed to burn off by the afternoon and half the time it does do that, the other half it stays horrible the whole day. Summer is actually the worst time is SB, usually Spring and Fall are the best seasons here. But this year spring got completely rained out, and then fogged over. Oh well I guess we can keep our hopes up for August that's usually a good month.

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