Saturday, June 07, 2008


I've heard that caring for other people's children is the best birth control and I must say it is totally true. After a weekend with my sister's kids, whom I love, I'm very sure that I am not quite ready to have my own. I do want kids but just not any time soon.

And right now I'm in Utah where I'm pretty sure everyone has five kids and is expecting the sixth to pop out any time soon. Everyone looks tired. Almost makes one never want to have sex ever again just to be on the safe side — almost.

But to be honest I do like her kids they can be so sweet and cute. And even when they are being evil I can't seem to get mad at them, of course this is probably just guilt because I rarely get to see them, because well they live in Utah and it scares me out here.


Katie said...

This is good because, quite honestly, I'm not ready to throw my body out of wack to push out your spawn quite yet...

Colleen said...

You know I had forgotten about that, but that is genius because the scariest part of kids is the pregnancy. Perfect! How does 2 years sound to you? And then I don't have to worry about eating healthy.