Sunday, October 28, 2007

What's your zombie plan?

Instead of putting together an intelligent presentation on Perspectives on media and our understanding of the social world, I’ve put together a list of things you should have or know incase of a zombie uprising (watching Shawn of the Dead).
1. Friends that you know wont freak out on you and randomly run away and either take something necessary with them or lead the zombie horde to your location.
2. A sharp and hopefully long object. Your gun only has a finite amount of bullets, your machete never needs reloading.
3. A gun, for when you’re surrounded and have no hope of getting away.
4. Snacks, many zombies are slow be prepared to wait them out.
5. A change of clothes, blood gets sticky and smells bad.
6. A defendable location, and as much as I’d love to say a bar they usually have big breakable windows, I’m thinking more along the lines of a secluded house or bomb shelter.
7. A get away plan, I live near the coast so I’ve always figured I’d sail into the ocean on a stolen yacht.
Although I do have a quick question why do the dead always want to eat the living? It’s not like they need the sustenance, and when they are done eating how exactly do their bodies process the meat? They’re dead so I would assume their digestive tracks don’t work anymore, does it just sit in their stomach, do really aggressive zombies that eat a lot become big and bloated? OK that wasn’t so quick.


Quattro Chris said...

I love that movie. Especially the "plan" dream: Take car. Go to mum's. Kill Phil - "Sorry." - grab Liz, go to the Winchester, have a nice cold pint, and wait for all of this to blow over. How's that for a slice of fried gold?

A.Venegas said...

Drew's Zombie attack plan.

1.)Go to Smelly's house and stock up on swords. The best defense against the undead is a good samurai sword, as you well know.

2.)Break into the Uni PD's gun locker. Undoubtedly, I'll have to fight my way through a few of the undead horde on my way, but that's to be expected.

3.Get to Jules' house, and kill the undead landlord that roams her halls. (little slum lord joke there)

4. Get to the Coast Guard base on the coast. Now, you can never truly trust the military under such dire circumstances, as we all have seen in 28 Days Later, thus, my next move would be to clear a gunboat of udead and get out to sea as fast as I can.